Projects: YelpCamp

Here’s a project I did as part of the Colt Steele’s WebDev Bootcamp curriculum, which I highly recommend regardless of your skill level.

Introducing YelpCamp

Yelpcamp is an application for a fictional start up that allows you to add campgrounds for other users to comment and rate, as view campgrounds added by other users. Not much more I can say about it.

This project is more or less my seminal Node project, and the cumulative product of 3 weeks of hard studying and coding.


  • Add Campgrounds
    • The ultimate goal of the app is to add campgrounds, be they real or fictitious, I’m not much of a camper myself so I usually add fictional ones like for example, I made a campground called Lake Hylia Lodge, which is a reference to the Zelda series, however if you want to add real campground information feel free to, I actually implore anyone that visits the site to put up one of their favorite camping sports.
  • User Authentication
    • You can sign up, sign in, and its a necessary process to go through if you want to contribute to the site, why? because when a user is signed in it allows them to add campgrounds and comments, to really add a sense of community and interactivity. It’s pretty barebones at the minute but hopefully in future updates I can implement more features that require User Auth that make it feel like a full fledged app, maybe even OAuth so you can sign in using existing media platforms. There are also measures in place to help you reset your password should you need to, pretty cool right?
  • Comments
    • As said above, you can add comments to campgrounds to express all kinds of things, maybe you’ve visited the campsite and want to give a little review (unless of course you’re viewing one on mine, which are highly fictitious, but feel free to drop a few words anyway), or whatever else you feel the need to.

See it in action here on Heroku.